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Grow your business for free.

Get a brand new website with 100% of the development costs covered through the CDAP micro-grant.

  • No risk

  • No Hassle

CDAP $2400 CAD Micro-Grant

Building a robust online presence is vital for small businesses. Through the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) and Grow Your Business Online initiative, small businesses in BC can significantly enhance their e-commerce capabilities with a microgrant of up to $2,400 pre-tax.

Our Process


Grant Application

We streamline the grant application for you. Once approved, you are eligible for our CDAP special, which is essentially free after the grant.


Develop & Document

We start development while also preparing comprehensive training materials.


Site Launch

Launch your new website fully confident in your new online presence.


What's Included

Website Solutions

Get a new website tailored to the needs of your business. Our comprehensive package includes SEO, a seamless booking functionality integrated with Office 365, enabling you to manage appointments efficiently and stay on top of your schedule.

Office 365 Business

Empower your business operations with an included Office 365 Business account. Giving you of a range of productivity tools, including business email, 1 TB of cloud storage, and access to apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Grant Guidance

Guidance in writing your application for the CDAP microgrant. We leverage our knowledge of the grant's intricacies to guide you step by step, enhancing your chances of approval and helping you secure funding that can transform your business’s digital presence.

CDAP Special



After CDAP Grant Approval

After a year, choose between: continued support for just $250 annually or a seamless transfer of all assets to your control.


What is the "Grow Your Business Online" grant?

It is a government initiative offering up to $2,400 pre-tax to eligible small businesses to help them adopt digital technologies, such as developing a new e-commerce website and enhancing their existing online services.

What if I don’t get approved for the grant?

In the unlikely event that your business doesn't get approved for the grant, there's no risk involved as you owe us nothing. We operate on a success-based model, prioritizing your satisfaction and success.

Am I eligible for this grant?

The grant is aimed at small businesses with at least one employee or $30,000 revenue in one of the last three years. Corporate chains, franchises, non-profits, and businesses engaged in third-party reselling, among others, are not eligible.

Is it really $0?

We've crafted an exclusive package tailored to small businesses equipped with booking functionalities, O365, hosting, and much more — perfectly aligned with the grant amount of $2400. This investment grants you a full year of our services, covering not only the initial setup but also ongoing management to ensure smooth operations. After one year, the choice is yours: continued support at a nominal annual management fee of $250 or take the reins with a seamless transfer of all assets to your control.

How can your services help me?

We offer a comprehensive package taking care of the grant application process, developing, and managing your new site.

How does the website development process work?

Once the grant is secured, we collaborate with you to develop a website that aligns with your business strategies.

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